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Porcelain Dental Crowns

porcelain dental crownsIn the event of a damaged or decayed tooth, the affected area can be restored using a dental crown. This is a dental restoration used to restore the shape, size, strength, and appearance of a weakened tooth. Our Los Angeles dental crowns expert may recommend this procedure in the following circumstances:

• Preventing a weakened tooth from breaking
• Restoring a tooth that has suffered extensive wear
• Supporting a tooth that contains a large filling
• Covering up a dental implant
• Covering up a severely misshapen or discolored tooth
• Holding a dental bridge in place

Our expert in dental crowns in Los Angeles may also recommend that crowns be used on children when a tooth has been so severely damaged that it cannot support a filling or when a child has difficulty keeping up with proper oral hygiene.

Porcelain Dental Crowns Los Angeles

Dental crowns can be made out of a variety of materials; the best one for you will depend on the extent of the damage and your budget. Our Los Angeles porcelain crowns expert often recommends crowns made out of porcelain since it is a non-porous substance. This means that it is incredibly difficult to stain, so it will remain a bright, white color for many years. They are also a good substitute if a patient has allergies to certain metals. In instances where porcelain will not be strong enough, our expert in porcelain crowns in Los Angeles will recommend a porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration. These also look just like your natural teeth, but sometimes the metal can show through the gum line.

Other options include a crown made out of a gold alloy, which requires less of the tooth structure to be trimmed down, and it withstands better to chewing and biting. Metal crowns are extremely difficult to chip or break, and the main drawback is that they are highly visible. They are often only recommended for teeth that are further back in the mouth. On average, you can expect your crown to last up to 15 years as long as you take proper care of it. Our cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles will give you further instructions on how to maintain your crown.