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Full and Partial Dentures

full and partial denturesDentures are a removable replacement for missing teeth that are made using a series of impressions of your jaw. Then a model will be built to match the shape of your jaw, and your dentures will be customized to match the color of your natural teeth. Once the dentures are put into place, they will be fitted so that any final adjustments can be made. There are two types of dentures that our dentist in Los Angeles may recommend: full dentures and partial dentures.

Full Dentures Los Angeles

Our Los Angeles full dentures expert will recommend full dentures if a patient is missing all of his or her teeth. Additionally, full dentures may be suggested if a patient is missing most of the teeth; in which case, the remaining teeth will be extracted so that the dentures can fit properly. They utilize prosthetic teeth that are attached to a base that fits precisely in your gums for a secure and comfortable fit. Our expert in full dentures in Los Angeles offers immediate dentures, which are placed as soon as the last few teeth are removed. Or our expert can provide conventional dentures, which are placed eight to 12 weeks after the final teeth are removed so that the gums have time to heal. Over time, you may need adjustments to your dentures due to changes in your gums and jawbone.

Partial Dentures Los Angeles

Our Los Angeles partial dentures expert suggests this form of restoration when a patient in only missing a few teeth. They can either be fixed into place using a method that is similar to dental bridges, or they can be removable. Removable partial dentures are attached to a base with a framework that keeps them in place, but they can be taken out during meals. Our expert in partial dentures in Los Angeles can help you decide whether fixed or removable dentures are best for you.

There are many restoration options available for missing teeth, so if you have lost one tooth or several teeth, contact our office right away.