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Inlays and Onlays

inlays and onlaysTooth decay is one of the most common health problems that affects Americans today, and if left untreated, a decayed tooth can lead to further oral health complications as well as tooth loss. Prompt treatment is necessary in order to salvage your smile, and our Los Angeles dentist offers numerous treatments to reduce the effects of a decayed tooth. Often times, the best treatment for a patient’s specific situation will be an inlay or onlay.

Inlays Los Angeles

Inlays are used to cover the chewing surface of a tooth, and it fills in the numerous tiny crevices. This is the area of the tooth that is most prone to decay because it is more difficult for brushing and flossing to reach these crevices. Our Los Angeles inlays expert often uses this kind of restoration for molars because the surfaces of those teeth are the most difficult to clean. Many patients prefer to get inlays as their restoration option because they are tooth-colored, so they more easily blend in with your natural teeth. They are the perfect restoration option for filling cavities that are too large for standard dental fillings. They can also be used to prevent future decay from occurring because our expert in inlays in Los Angeles has sealed off the area of the tooth that is prone to decay.

Onlays Los Angeles

Onlays are similar to inlays, but they are used for a slightly different purpose. Our Los Angeles onlays expert often describes this restoration as a cross between an inlay and a porcelain crown since they are designed to fit over the entirety of a tooth, but they require much less alteration to the natural tooth than a dental crown would require. Our expert in onlays in Los Angeles will custom-make your onlays, so they will match the exact shape of your tooth. Onlays can also be made out of porcelain or composite resin to match the shade of your natural teeth, so they will not stand out.

If your teeth have suffered decay, talk to our expert to see if you can benefit from inlays or onlays.