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Dental Cleaning

Dental CleaningDental cleaning keeps teeth whiter and helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease. During regular check-ups in which dental cleaning is performed, our dentist also inspects the teeth and gums by eye and with X-ray imaging for signs of oral and systemic health problems. Although individual needs vary, patients should generally have their teeth cleaned at least once every six months. Patients who have gum disease or who are at high risk of oral health problems may benefit from more frequent visits to our Los Angeles dental cleaning expert.

Dental cleaning benefits patients in several ways. For all recipients, dental cleaning is more effective than brushing and flossing at removing accumulated plaque and tartar. Tooth decay risk is reduced this way, and gingivitis progression can be reduced or reversed. Because oral bacteria have been linked to heart disease and other systemic problems, regular visits to our expert in dental cleaning in Los Angeles can also support overall health. Patients who drink coffee, smoke, or eat heavily pigmented foods can have their teeth brightened considerably by dental cleaning. Finally, prevention through dental cleaning can potentially save patients money by helping them avoid needing restorative care later.

Dental Cleaning Los Angeles

Basic dental cleaning is primarily for prevention of oral health problems while deep cleaning is often used for treatment of gum disease. During routine visits, our Los Angeles dental cleaning expert uses modern equipment to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth. Afterwards, our dentist may polish the teeth to enhance their appearance and protect them from future accumulations. Scaling and root planing, or deep cleaning, involves removal of plaque, tartar, and bacteria from the teeth above and below the gum line.

Although patients can help protect their teeth and gums by brushing and flossing at home, regular visits to our expert in dental cleaning in Los Angeles for cleaning are also essential for optimal oral health. Routine cleanings are especially important for high-risk patients who smoke or who have diabetes, immune suppression, gum disease, or increased tendency to suffer from tooth decay. A consultation with our dentist in Los Angeles can be scheduled to learn more about how we clean teeth.